Bridge Your Skills Gap

The most important purpose of Trusted Skills professional certification is to become a tangible and achievable framework to guide your professional development. For example, Trusted Skills professional certification doesn’t vaguely give you guidance on becoming a digital marketer; it provides you with concise guidance on the skills you require to succeed today.

The skills in each professional certification are defined by employers and represent the optimal candidate. So using the certification as a target, provides you with a tangible goal.

Your next step is to build a plan to prepare you to meet the criteria.

Building Your skills plan

Looking at the Trusted Skills criteria will only provide you with part of the picture. You are far more complex than a collection of skills. Most importantly, you have bigger life goals. This is why it may be time to step back and think about those bigger goals and how Trusted Skills can support you in achieving them.

We’ve designed a process to support you: Designing YOU.

Designing YOU is a series of tools to complement Trusted Skills professional certification and support you in building a bigger life plan. It’s composed of a series of modules that include different activities. Each module is described below.

Module 1 - Why Design You?

Module 1 walks you through the seven key attributes of a product designer and why you must adopt these to become the champion of your life.

Module 2 - Exploring Who You Are

Module 2 is about reflecting on the you that you are today. It involves exploring your personality, knowledge, and skills right now.

Module 3 - Why Mentors Matter

Module 3 focuses on the team effort required to design you. We’ll explore the value of your relationships, and from this, you’ll form your design team of experts who will support and guide you through the Designing YOU process.

Module 4 - Exploring Career and Job Pathways

Module 4 focuses on exploring career options. First, you’ll evaluate what you love to do and what you’re good at. Then you’ll explore how to leverage it to make a living. By the end of Module 4, you’ll start to have a vision of the future Professional YOU. 

Included in the Professional YOU is a series of Designing YOU Career Guides written to support your work down this path. These Career Guides are complimentary, and deal with some of the crucial questions facing anyone exploring their Professional YOU. 

Each guide includes a series of Career Mission Maps that provides examples of how you can chart a course to achieving your professional mission. If you’d like to start by exploring our range of Career Mission Maps, click here to search our Designing YOU Mission Map Gallery.

Module 5 - You Are More than a Job

Module 5 is when you will discover how your Professional YOU fits into your Whole YOU. The Whole YOU is about how you define success. You’ll think about where you want to live, the people you want to be around and other factors that matter to you.

Module 6 — Designing Your Map

Module 6 is possible after you’ve identified your destination in Module 5. The roadmap will allow you to implement the Whole YOU. Every decision you make in pursuit of the destination now has a purpose.

Module 7 — Telling Your Story

Module 7 recognizes that having the best product that no one has ever heard of or cares about is called “going out of business.” Your story is how you’ll connect to the audience you care about and how you’ll make them care about you. You’ll figure out what you can offer the world and develop a strategy to communicate it.

To start Designing YOU, checkout all the Designing YOU resources to help you develop a plan to bridge your gap.